Become Aware Of The Silent Conversations You Are Having With Your Pet

Animals are feeling beings. They acutely feel the energy of everything, and everyone, in their surroundings. This level of energetic awareness helps them to sense and decipher their environment. When our animals live with us in our homes, it’s natural for them to be sensitive to our personal energy. Since your pet is in-tune with your internal energetic state, you often convey messages to them that you are unaware of. These silent conversations you are having with them can impact their comfort levels and how they interact with you. 

Silent Energetic Conversation With Your Pet

For example, let’s take an interaction with your pet where you are in a happy, balanced energetic state. You would observe your pet matching your happy, balanced energy. They would exhibit body language such as relaxing their tail and ears, and softening their eyes. They would be comfortable entering your personal space, either coming in for cuddles or pats. 

Now let’s compare that to an interaction where you are in a less balanced, highly excited energetic state. You would observe your pet becoming less engaged with you. They may step back and turn their head to the side in an attempt to create both a physical and energetic distance from you. 

How Can This Be Used For Meaningful Change?

In the second example above, you may not be fully aware of how highly excitable you are at that moment because you ‘feel’ good. However, your pet’s behaviour is showing signs of discomfort and dis-ease. At that moment, the connection you have with your pet is distant. Their behaviour indicates that the excited energy is too much for them. If you can take this moment to observe their behaviours and check in with your energetic state, you can make changes to strengthen your connection. By dialling down your energy, you can re-establish a connection with your pet by aligning your energy with your intention. 

Meaningful changes in your relationship come when you realize that the energetic messages you are sending to your pet sometimes contradict the messages you intend to send to them. Observing how your pet interacts with you in any situation and using their response as an indication to check in with your current energetic state will help you align your energy with your intentions. 

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