Telepathy 101

Telepathy is the foundation of animal communication. It is a form of communication which involves the sensory organ system. Telepathic communication is when non-verbal information is shared back and forth through the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. 

Telepathy is something we are born with and use naturally as children, but our telepathic abilities will often go dormant as we age. Luckily, through awareness and practice, you can reacquaint yourself with this innate ability. 

What is it like to communicate telepathically with an animal?

There is no one way to do telepathy. Just because you can send and receive information using all of your senses, it doesn't mean that you need to use all of your senses to communicate telepathically. Most people send and receive through their more dominant senses. Which sense or combination of senses you predominantly communicate through will be unique to you.

 I send and receive telepathic information predominantly through visual images and physical & emotional sensations. However, it is not uncommon for me to also receive smells, sounds, and a sense of knowing. These are all ways your pet will share their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and conscious insight with me. 

How to build your sensory awareness:

An excellent and practical way to strengthen your senses is to immerse yourself in them. You will want to spend time experiencing and familiarizing yourself with each of your senses.

To begin, I'd like you to find a place where you can still your body and mind. Spend a moment to focus your attention on one sense at a time.

SIGHT: Observe the environment around you. What do you see? Look at the colours, shapes and textures. 

SOUND: What do you hear? Can you differentiate between sounds that are close up and others that are far away? Can you hear your breath?

SMELL: What do you smell? Can you sense the different scents in the air? 

TASTE: Do you have a particular taste in your mouth? Can you taste the air that's around you? 

TOUCH: How do you feel in your body? Can you feel your clothes and the place that you're sitting on? Can you feel slight temperature changes on your skin?

KNOWING: Do you have a strong knowing, sense or thought that lands in you, but you don't know where it came from? Pay attention to that.

EMOTIONS: Pay attention to the emotions you feel when they come up. Where are they sitting in your body?

By practicing to connect to your senses in various environments, you will slowly build your telepathic muscle. As you practice, you will discover your dominant senses in which you exchange telepathic information. I suggest to people just beginning that they should focus on their dominant senses and work on improving their weaker senses later in their journey. As you practice this new skill, remember to remove all expectations and remain patient with yourself. 

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