The Importance of Attunement in Building True Connections  

Mothering is an act of love and care that extends beyond the boundaries of giving birth. It is a relationship built on attunement and understanding between the caregiver and the receiver. Attunement is the ability to tune into the needs and emotions of others, to respond with empathy and compassion, and to create a safe and secure space for them. When we look at nature, we can see the natural attunement between mother animals and their babies. Mother animals are attuned to their offspring's needs from birth, providing them warmth, nourishment, and protection. They respond to their babies' cries and movements, knowing what they need to feel safe and secure. This natural attunement is a reminder that we, too, are part of nature and that we have the innate ability to tune into the needs of others. 

It is a reminder that attunement is not just a human skill but a universal one we can learn from the natural world. Attunement is the ability to tune into the needs and emotions of others, to respond with empathy and compassion, and to create a safe and secure space for them. As an animal communicator and end-of-life grief specialist, I have seen how attunement is crucial in building genuine connections with both humans and animals. It is essential in creating a bond that goes beyond words and actions, a connection that touches the heart and soul. Attunement becomes even more important in our pets' aging and senior years. It is a time when our pets need us the most, and we need to be there for them. Attunement allows us to understand their needs, provide comfort and support, and strengthen the bond between us.

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The Art of Being Present: Enhancing Your Bond with Your Pet

In the realm of animal communication, where understanding and connection transcend spoken words, my journey took an unexpected turn. As an animal communicator, I've guided countless pet parents through the emotional labyrinth of responsible rehoming. Little did I know that one day, I'd find myself standing at the crossroads of this challenging decision, faced with the heart-wrenching choice to rehome my own cherished companion.

Soulstice, my dog of love and lessons. Our paths intertwined during the messiest chapter of my life—post-divorce, navigating the care and eventual loss of my mom. Soulstice came into my life when I faced my darkest corners of grief and loneliness. Together, we embarked on a journey of healing and discovery.

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Love: The Language and Energy of the Heart

In the realm of animal communication, where understanding and connection transcend spoken words, my journey took an unexpected turn. As an animal communicator, I've guided countless pet parents through the emotional labyrinth of responsible rehoming. Little did I know that one day, I'd find myself standing at the crossroads of this challenging decision, faced with the heart-wrenching choice to rehome my own cherished companion.

Soulstice, my dog of love and lessons. Our paths intertwined during the messiest chapter of my life—post-divorce, navigating the care and eventual loss of my mom. Soulstice came into my life when I faced my darkest corners of grief and loneliness. Together, we embarked on a journey of healing and discovery.

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Pet Loss & Grief, Animal Communication Tips Hana Mäkinen Pet Loss & Grief, Animal Communication Tips Hana Mäkinen

Soulful Crossroads: My Unanticipated Journey into Responsible Rehoming

In the realm of animal communication, where understanding and connection transcend spoken words, my journey took an unexpected turn. As an animal communicator, I've guided countless pet parents through the emotional labyrinth of responsible rehoming. Little did I know that one day, I'd find myself standing at the crossroads of this challenging decision, faced with the heart-wrenching choice to rehome my own cherished companion.

Soulstice, my dog of love and lessons. Our paths intertwined during the messiest chapter of my life—post-divorce, navigating the care and eventual loss of my mom. Soulstice came into my life when I faced my darkest corners of grief and loneliness. Together, we embarked on a journey of healing and discovery.

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Pet Loss & Grief, Animal Communication Tips Hana Mäkinen Pet Loss & Grief, Animal Communication Tips Hana Mäkinen

Navigating Responsible Rehoming

Grief surrounding our bonds with pets transcends the final moments; it intertwines with life-altering events like injuries, diagnoses, and the challenging decision to rehome a beloved companion responsibly. In this blog, I aim to unravel the delicate layers of responsible rehoming, where guilt, shame, and grief often converge. This form of grief is often disenfranchised, as pet parents hide their pain, fearing societal judgment.

We all envision a lifetime commitment when we bring a pet into our lives. However, unforeseen circumstances and life challenges can lead to heart-wrenching decisions. As an animal communicator, I've witnessed the multifaceted nature of these choices and their impact on both pet parents and their animal companions.

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Preserving Precious Moments: Healing Through Captured Snapshots with Your Beloved Pet

In life, the importance of cherishing the present moment is immeasurable. It allows us to create enduring memories that leave an indelible mark on our hearts. These memories are like snapshots in time, capturing the essence of our joy and love for our cherished animal companions. These snapshots become invaluable medicine for our broken hearts when the inevitable day comes when our pets are no longer by our side.

Each precious moment we spend with our pets is filled with unique emotions, making it a treasure worth preserving. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words," and these words tell a powerful story. They narrate the beautiful journey of your bond with your animal, offering comfort and meaning, especially in times of loss.

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Five Ways To Help Your Animal Ground

When you are grounded -You become your animal’s beacon of calm when you are centred, allowing them to connect to you energetically. Your groundedness begins to guide your animal's nervous system to begin to settle. Your balanced energy eases their nervous system, helping them feel safe and slowly letting their guard down to release physical and emotional stress. Your groundedness begins to help them coregulate with you and increase their trust in you and themselves.

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Animal Communication Tips Hana Mäkinen Animal Communication Tips Hana Mäkinen

Shift & Reconnect to Your Inner Joy

Getting into your happy place with your pet can be easy, especially when you are happy! Even if you are a little off and when you play with them, they can help you forget your troubles, raise your spirits and make you laugh. But, what about those days or moments you don't feel happy and want to bring some joy to your time with your animal?

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Live Your Best Life In Your Senior Years!

Senior animals have shared with me how they acknowledge, accept and trust the aging process. They have no apprehension or fear of it. They live in each moment of each day with full awareness. Our beloved animals live and lead from their heart, instinctively knowing how to graciously surrender and savour all aspects of the natural life cycles.

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