How Your Pet Prepares YOU During End of Life

Often, in the end-of-life journey, your pet oscillates between good and bad days, leaving you confused about whether to help them transition with euthanization or begin/continue palliative and hospice care.

When pet parents decide on a day to euthanize their pet, they book an appointment and often end up cancelling it last minute because their pet is now more like their old self.

I've witnessed animals have these ups and downs in their end-of-life journey, where after a big low period, they become more like their happy self and make you second guess your choice. Before I became an animal communicator, I too experienced the painful roller coaster of emotions, watching my pets lose a little bit more of themselves in each low, where they would come close to what I believed was now their time, only to bounce back to be more of their old self again. These highs and lows leave many pet parents confused and filled with self-doubt and uncertainty. The mixed emotions of fear, overwhelm, and sadness turn into a sigh of relief and joy that it wasn't their time. With time, you slowly begin to notice that the gap between the ups and downs grows, and their up is a little less than what it was before.

This is a normal, emotional and very challenging time in the end-of-life journey of your beloved animal. I want you to know that it is complicated and that your animal knows you are doing your best, and even in this time, they are reciprocating support and love to you.

I want to share what I have discovered over my lifetime of losses of beloved animals and humans. I've learned that each of these ups and downs is not only a part of the end-of-life journey but is also needed in preparation for their final transition and impending death. Each of these lows, followed by a rally, also allows you to be with your emotions, move through the complicated feelings, and work toward getting closer to accepting their mortality.

This emotional roller coaster will enable you to delve deeper into asking yourself:

Am I ready to let you go?

What do I need to be ready?

Have I reached a place to give you permission to go?

Can I find even more love to hold us in this time?

When an animal rallies back, you often return to feeling grateful that they're still here with you. Allowing yourself to move through even more layers of emotions of your anticipatory grief. This deep inner work frees up space in your body, mind, heart and soul so you can become more present with them, yourself, and be able to cherish the preciousness of time with them from a more peaceful place.

When you have this time together, remember, as hard as these times are, the ups and downs lessen the chances of being surprised and making choices from a place of fear or confusion because you have more self-awareness and presence. Know they are not only preparing themselves to transition back to spirit, but also you to let them go in even more love. This challenging time is also a very special time in your relationship. It can expand your heart with a love so profound than you ever thought possible, which is big enough to hold you in your pain. This love and deep connection is what continues to embrace you and your grief after their sacred passage.

Do you need further support?

When you feel understood and supported, you find the strength to walk this journey and accompany your beloved animal. As a certified grief specialist, my End-of-life Animal Communication Session or Grief Support Session will provide you with the support you need as you navigate your beloved animal’s journey.

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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