Love: The Language and Energy of the Heart

Our animals communicate through the language of the heart, an unspoken dialogue of emotions, unconditional love, and a pure present awareness. When you praise your beloved pets, they don't need to understand your words; they feel your delivery's loving energy and tone of affection. Their heart is their primary communicator and connector to everything around them, especially you.

As heart-centred beings, animals are also keenly aware of the energy around them. This means they not only feel the energy of the household but also sense your energy and attune to your emotions. Animals, with their awareness of energies, also have an interplay between energy outside/around them and how it is exchanged with their own inside energies. This integration of energies influences their responses, behaviours, and interactions with everyone and everything around them.

Another aspect that influences the assimilation of external and internal energies for animals are factors like their personality, genetics, confidence level, physical and mental well-being, life experiences, sense of safety, maturity, and age. These all come together with how they connect and communicate from their heart with you. Then, when life throws a curveball, and you add a feeling of being unwell, an illness, or aging, animals, like humans, tend to become even more sensitive to external energy shifts. Often, we see animals as they age. They begin to change how they cope with everyday situations now differently.

Recognizing shifts in your animal?

Ten ways to help you keep the love and connection flowing with your animal companion.

  1. Self-Reflection: Check in with yourself and acknowledge your emotions.

  2. Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself amidst life's ebbs and flows.

  3. Grounding: Take time to center yourself and find balance.

  4. Observation: Notice your animal's behaviour and any changes.

  5. Communication: Share what you're experiencing with your animal and express gratitude for their support.

  6. Acknowledgment: Recognize your energy, observe how it may be impacting them, and thank them for their understanding.

  7. Release: Encourage your animal to release absorbed energy that doesn't serve them.

  8. Support: Remind your animal that they are free to be themselves and let your stress flow around or through them.

  9. Apology: If you think your energy is influencing them, apologize, thank them for wanting to help you, and remind them it is more helpful for you when they let your energy go as you are able to take responsibility for your energy.

  10. Understanding: Share your feelings with your animal. This shifts the energy, releases unspoken stresses, and enhances your bond. They are the listeners to your soul.

Our animals intuitively sense shifts in our energy and respond accordingly, offering support and companionship during challenging times. When we take ownership of our energy, we show them an understanding and respect for their energetic sensitivity. This deepens your bond and builds your foundation with them even stronger in a grounded connection of mutual love and respect.

In conclusion, our animals serve as invaluable teachers of living from the heart, reminding us to connect with our emotions and presence. Through their guidance, we learn to navigate life with greater awareness, bridging the gap between mind and body, truly in the heart.

If you need something more before including your pet in the grounding process, you can take 10 minutes to do a quick Crystal Grounding Visualization. Taking this little extra time to yourself can ensure that you are setting the right energy to help guide your animal into a state of groundedness with you.

Do You Need Support in Your Situation?

Finding understanding and support in my sessions are tailored to provide you with the compassionate support you need and learn the messages from your pet. 

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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