The Art of Being Present: Enhancing Your Bond with Your Pet

In the busyness of daily life, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending to-do lists, deadlines, and distractions. In the midst of everyday activity, we need to remember that our pets deserve our undivided attention and presence.

The Power of Presence

Being present means more than just physically being in the same space as your pet; it's about engaging fully with them on a mental, emotional, and even spiritual level. Many of us are accustomed to the daily tasks of caring for our pets - providing food, administering medication, grooming, and ensuring their physical well-being. While yes, these are important and necessary, they all often become something we do on autopilot and without much of our focus and energy. We live in a society that praises getting things done fast, doing many things at once, and we feel we aren’t enough if we aren’t doing, fixing or crossing things off our list. And if we sit, rest, nap or take a moment, we often feel guilty.

Mindful Interactions

When we shift our focus and energy from 'doing' and bring a more mindful energy of 'being,' we create space for a deeper connection in the moment and deepen our understanding of our pets. Instead of rushing through tasks and routines, we take the time to truly see, hear, and feel the task we are doing, and we also see, hear and feel our pet’s response. We notice their body language and signals, their receptivity to what we are doing and being in that moment. We slow down and literally are in the simplicity of the moment.

Creating Memories

Being present with our pets allows us to engage in meaningful interactions and shared experiences that transcend the physical aspects of caregiving. So many pets want to be seen beyond what is happening with their physical body. They want the spirit and core of their personality to be seen because that is who they are—not their present condition. It's about engaging with them emotionally and spiritually, fostering a bond that goes beyond the surface of the physical.

Finding Joy in the Simple Things

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the simple pleasures of life. Being present with our pets reminds us to slow down and find joy in the simple things, whether it's watching them play with a favourite toy or enjoying a quiet moment of companionship.

So, as we go about our daily tasks of caring for our pets, I encourage you to bring a sense of being into your doing. Pause for a moment and reflect on the 'why' behind each action. Ask yourself, 'Am I in my heart right now? Am I present in my love in my actions with you?' When you infuse your actions with love and intention, you elevate them from mere tasks to meaningful expressions of your connection with your pet.

By being present with your love while 'doing' for your pet, you not only fulfill their physical needs but also nurture your relationship and deepen your bond.

Take 10 minutes to be more present with your pet during this grounding process with the Crystal Grounding Visualization meditation. Making this little extra time for yourself and your pet helps you settle into being more present with them.

Do You Need Support in Your Situation?

Finding understanding and support in my sessions are tailored to provide you with the compassionate support you need and learn the messages from your pet. 

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Hana Mäkinen

Professional Animal Communicator & Grief Specialist


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